June 2018

It’s hard to believe that June is already upon us! As this month’s Voice will show, the AFA has been on fire. Applications for the 2018 Gothar class are the most on record (with still 2 more days to go). We have added new Apprentice Folkbuilders who are off to a great start in their regions. I can proudly say that for the first time we have an AFA member in South Africa! So many beautiful babies are being born that our Ladies can hardly keep up with making blankets for all of them. I am so very proud of all the hard work our wonderful AFA leaders and volunteers are doing.
Mandy and I have been making full use of the summer energy to get outside and hike. Just yesterday AFA Founder Steve McNallen had us join him on an amazing Wotan on the Peaks hike. I never notice how much I miss enjoying the outdoors until I make the point of getting out in the woods, it is always such a refreshment for mind, body and spirit. I encourage each of you to get outside this summer and let yourself be dazzled by the splendor of nature. That being said, I would also invite you to be dazzled by the splendor of your AFA family.
Midsummer is almost here! We would love to see you all at Óðinshof for the annual AFA Midsummer. If you cannot make it out this year, take heart, there are Midsummer events all over the country. Please contact your local Folkbuilder to find a Midsummer event near you.
The AFA is surging with energy and enthusiasm all around the world, go out and get involved! The AFA is not some organization “out there”, the AFA is a hof inside the heart of each member of our AFA family. Make the AFA happen in your area and in your home, reach out to your AFA brothers and sisters and fill the AFA with your energy and your enthusiasm. It is beautiful beyond measure to watch the AFA blossom and grow, every day, every week, every month, that is because of members like you! Thank you.

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly
[email protected]

Categories: News

May 2018

Happy May Day! I hope everyone was/is able to dance with your AFA family around the maypole and infuse this year with willful fecundity. Mandy and I just returned from an amazing AFA Hexennacht in the South. I want to give a heart felt thank you to our Upper South Folkbuilder Paul Hester. Paul and his lovely wife Kelly gave so much of themselves to make this event a success and they were able to bring down-home hospitality to all those who attended. I never cease to be impressed by the increasing quality of our national events, those of you who have attended can surely attest that the intimacy and family feeling gets better each time.
I am very proud of all the activity I have been seeing lately from the AFA. We have AFA Kindreds being established all over the country, not to mention in Sweden and Australia! Through the efforts of Folkbuilder Cameron Mottus and the colossal generosity of YOU amazing folk, we were able to raise and send much needed relief money to folks suffering in South Africa. Everywhere I look, new AFA babies are being born and AFA ladies and gentlemen are marrying each other, building strong relationships based on shared values and beliefs. Those of you who have been in Asatru for a long time know that this sort of thing was not always the case. The growth of, not only AFA members, but AFA families is a powerful testament to the legitimacy of our church and its bright future.
I want to finish by inviting you to attend AFA Midsummer at Óðinshof in June. Midsummer at the Hof is the biggest AFA event each year and it is a truly special event. If you have not been to our/ your Hof, it is hard to describe how it feels to have a place of our own, something real and permanent. I want to share that feeling with all of you. If you have been to Óðinshof, then you know how special it is and we want to have you back, for Midsummer. This year’s event will be an amazing celebration of our Folk and our Gods and we invite all our AFA family to come on out and be with us.
To all of you who have donated your hard earned money, thank you. To all of you who have donated your precious time, thank you. To those bold folk who have stepped up to become leaders in our AFA, thank you. Together we are a mighty force for our Gods and our Folk.

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly
[email protected]

Categories: News

April 2018

I am writing this morning with the sun shining in on me, gazing out at the beautiful blooms on the trees outside my apartment. Life is good and I am feeling springtastic! Everywhere I look, the AFA is a buzz with activity and vitality. Mandy and I just returned from Washington State where I was honored to speak at the Northwest Forum hosted by Counter Currents. These folks gave us great hospitality and a fantastic event. Mandy and I met some great people and we had the opportunity to introduce a lot of folks to Asatru.
In the AFA, we are about doing, with that in mind, Folkbuilder Cameron Mottus has initiated an effort to raise money for persecuted whites in South Africa. For those of you that may not know, white farmers are being savagely abused and impoverished. This abuse is racially motivated and, because they are sons and daughters of Europe, the victims are being largely ignored by the world. This is a tragedy, but take heart! There are tangible ways that your contributions can help these folk and, so far, the generosity of AFA members towards this has been overwhelming!
Speaking of DOING, the AFA is thriving and growing, now more than ever before, we have big things we want to accomplish, for our Gods, for our church and for our folk. We need your help! The AFA is looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact your local Folkbuilder and they will be happy to get your information to the right people. With your help, we have great things ahead of us.
Hexennacht in the South is right around the corner. I cannot stress this enough, if you can make it…… take the leap and make it happen. These events are so very special and important, they literally change lives. I know that going to national events made all the difference in my life and in my soul. Mandy and I are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at this years Hexennacht and we would love to see each of you there and share a horns of warm and fellowship.
Last but not least, embrace the spring that surrounds you. Be inspired to get out, emerge from the hibernation of winter. Seize the might of the spring time sun and happen to life rather than life happening to you. This is a great time to be alive and a great time to be a part of the Asatru Folk Assembly.

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly
[email protected]

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Jarl Haakon Sigurdsson

Please join your AFA family and friends as we honor an Asatru hero of old! Jarl Haakon ruled Norway from 975-995, he was a strongly loyal to our Gods and when the King of Denmark tried to push conversion in Norway, Haakon sent the missionaries back to the shores of Denmark. Raise a horn to this faithful Jarl and enjoy the fellowship of your AFA family being inspired by such a stalwart champion of the Aesir.

The link will tell you about him briefly but I would encourage you all to read the Heimskringla (Saga of King Harald Grafeld and Saga of King Olaf Tryggvason specifically)for the whole story.

Categories: News

March 2018

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the AFA. It feels like this year is going by swiftly, Mandy and I are getting settled into life here in Reno and we are loving every minute in this truly magical place. February started out in style with the AFA Charming of the Plow in Southern California, hosted by the AFA’s own Tru-Folk Kindred. The quality of this event was phenomenal, great presentations by Steve McNallen and Bryan Wilton and one of the most profound impromptu sumbles I have ever had the honor of sharing in. I have said it before but I can’t say it enough, make the time and attend a national AFA event, they are truly life changing!
The past few months have been about celebrating, planning, and preparing. In March we shift our focus to DOING. As the season of action springs upon Midgard, let us burst forth with renewed vigor and life. In March we celebrate Ostara on the vernal equinox. Ostara is the Germanic goddess of the dawn, like our ancestors, this victory goddess rides out of the east and her radiance conquers all before her, darkness cannot stand against her onslaught. Let our folk spring forth and sweep away all that is dark and foul in our lives and replace it with the warmth and light of great accomplishment. May we build ourselves into the men and women we wish to be and build our kindreds and our AFA family into the heroic force we are destined to become. Always greater, always more, ever ascendant!
It makes me so proud to see all the activity in the AFA, this issue will show pictures of our amazing folk gathering together, sharing, celebrating, DOING. I encourage each of you, come on out and get involved, our church is what we make of it and your AFA family is waiting to welcome you with open arms. We have great folks doing great things and, if the first 2 months are any indication, 2018 will be a year of power and victory.

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Olvir of Egg

I would like you to begin posting each month about the upcoming Day of Remembrance for that month in it’s own section.

On March the 9th, the Asatru Folk Assembly celebrates a Day of Remembrance for Olvir of Egg. During Olaf the Saint’s reign of terror, local Asatruar had to hold blot and sumble to our Gods in secret and at the risk of their very lives. Olvir was a leader of his community and organized local celebrations and worship of our Gods, not just for himself and his family, but that all loyal Asatruar in his region could carry on their sacred rites and traditions. For this steadfast loyalty and commitment to the Aesir, Olvir and many with him were murdered by Olaf and the followers of the White Christ. Raise a horn in his name, remember his deeds, join your brothers and sisters in doing so as a family.
Hail Olvir!

Categories: News

February 2018

As I write this, Mandy and I are getting settled into our new apartment in Reno Nevada. It is absolutely beautiful here nestled in the mountains, we are thrilled to start putting down some roots. With that in mind, we have already found a great location to host monthly meetups so if you are in the area we look forward to having you join us.
In February we gather with our AFA families around the world to Charm the Plow. This is a time or preparation for the great things we want to accomplish this year, a time to penetrate the unyeilding earth and plant the seeds of that which we wish to harvest. This is a time to bless the tools of our industry and prepare for the ways that we each plan to work our will so that we might manifest great things for ourselves, our families, and our folk. This is a time to emerge from the stasis of winter and prepare for the spring. As you each Charm the Plow, be mindful of the mystery of Jera, this cycle of planting, tending, harvesting, and celebrating that was so essential to our ancestors and empowers us today as well. When you all read this, Mandy and I will be on our way to the AFA Southern California Charming of the Plow. We look forward to seeing all our AFA family and sharing with them in friendship and in celebration. I can’t urge you all strongly enough, if you can make it out to an AFA event, gather with your AFA folk. It takes time and perhaps it takes travel, but Asatru happens out in the world with your Folk, gathered together in celebration and worship. I look forward to seeing you all in San Diego and if not I wish you a very powerful Charming of the plow where ever you are gathered under the trihorns!

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

P.S. Though we are in a different state, we are actually an hour closer to Óðinshof.

Categories: News