June 2018

It’s hard to believe that June is already upon us! As this month’s Voice will show, the AFA has been on fire. Applications for the 2018 Gothar class are the most on record (with still 2 more days to go). We have added new Apprentice Folkbuilders who are off to a great start in their regions. I can proudly say that for the first time we have an AFA member in South Africa! So many beautiful babies are being born that our Ladies can hardly keep up with making blankets for all of them. I am so very proud of all the hard work our wonderful AFA leaders and volunteers are doing.
Mandy and I have been making full use of the summer energy to get outside and hike. Just yesterday AFA Founder Steve McNallen had us join him on an amazing Wotan on the Peaks hike. I never notice how much I miss enjoying the outdoors until I make the point of getting out in the woods, it is always such a refreshment for mind, body and spirit. I encourage each of you to get outside this summer and let yourself be dazzled by the splendor of nature. That being said, I would also invite you to be dazzled by the splendor of your AFA family.
Midsummer is almost here! We would love to see you all at Óðinshof for the annual AFA Midsummer. If you cannot make it out this year, take heart, there are Midsummer events all over the country. Please contact your local Folkbuilder to find a Midsummer event near you.
The AFA is surging with energy and enthusiasm all around the world, go out and get involved! The AFA is not some organization “out there”, the AFA is a hof inside the heart of each member of our AFA family. Make the AFA happen in your area and in your home, reach out to your AFA brothers and sisters and fill the AFA with your energy and your enthusiasm. It is beautiful beyond measure to watch the AFA blossom and grow, every day, every week, every month, that is because of members like you! Thank you.
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!
Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly
[email protected]