Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the AFA. It feels like this year is going by swiftly, Mandy and I are getting settled into life here in Reno and we are loving every minute in this truly magical place. February started out in style with the AFA Charming of the Plow in Southern California, hosted by the AFA’s own Tru-Folk Kindred. The quality of this event was phenomenal, great presentations by Steve McNallen and Bryan Wilton and one of the most profound impromptu sumbles I have ever had the honor of sharing in. I have said it before but I can’t say it enough, make the time and attend a national AFA event, they are truly life changing!
The past few months have been about celebrating, planning, and preparing. In March we shift our focus to DOING. As the season of action springs upon Midgard, let us burst forth with renewed vigor and life. In March we celebrate Ostara on the vernal equinox. Ostara is the Germanic goddess of the dawn, like our ancestors, this victory goddess rides out of the east and her radiance conquers all before her, darkness cannot stand against her onslaught. Let our folk spring forth and sweep away all that is dark and foul in our lives and replace it with the warmth and light of great accomplishment. May we build ourselves into the men and women we wish to be and build our kindreds and our AFA family into the heroic force we are destined to become. Always greater, always more, ever ascendant!
It makes me so proud to see all the activity in the AFA, this issue will show pictures of our amazing folk gathering together, sharing, celebrating, DOING. I encourage each of you, come on out and get involved, our church is what we make of it and your AFA family is waiting to welcome you with open arms. We have great folks doing great things and, if the first 2 months are any indication, 2018 will be a year of power and victory.
Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!
Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly