Please Support Asatru by Joining the Asatru Folk Assembly, Attending our events, Donating to our various fundraisers, or purchasing an item from the AFA Shop! Please send any questions to [email protected].
Sigrheim Flag$20.00
Asatru Academy Flag$15.00
Njörðshof Flag$15.00
Óðinshof Flag$15.00
Baldrshof Flag$15.00
Þórshof Flag$15.00
AFA Mourning Banner$15.00
AFA Flag$15.00
Njörðshof District Lapel Pin$5.00
Njörðshof District Patch (Gentlemen)$5.00
Njörðshof District Patch (Ladies)$5.00
Baldrshof District Lapel Pin$5.00
Þórshof District Lapel Pin$5.00
Óðinshof District Lapel Pin$5.00
Baldrshof Sticker$2.00
Þórshof Sticker$2.00
Óðinshof Sticker$2.00
Baldrshof District Patch (Ladies)$5.00
Baldrshof District Patch (Gentlemen)$5.00
Þórshof District Patch (Ladies)$5.00
Þórshof District Patch (Gentlemen)$5.00
Óðinshof District Patch (Ladies)$5.00
Óðinshof District Patch (Gentlemen)$5.00