The plight of our folk in South Africa is heartbreaking. Once proud families have been reduced to staggering poverty and hunger. Murderers terrorize the remaining farms. Countless numbers of our kin live in shanty towns, often these enclaves are, literally, in a garbage dump. As is so often the case, the elderly and the children are hit especially hard. The South African regime shows no pity for our folk and actively works for their humiliation and destruction. The AFA may not be able to “fix” things…..but we can all help make them better.
Last year we raised thousands of dollars to help these suffering sons and daughters of Europe. Together we showed that we care and we made sure children were fed, babies had formula and housing was set up. By each of us pooling our resources, small contributions are able to do big things. Children cannot eat “our feelings go out” and “likes” don’t keep them sheltered at night. If you are able, PLEASE give what you can and lets do some good for these poor cousins of ours. To donate, please go to http://www.runestone.org/donate/ . Thank you for doing something about this.
Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly