Brandy Callahan Elevated to Witan

On Friday the 7th of May 2021, Gythia Brandy Callahan was elevated to Witan of the Asatru Folk Assembly. Brandy possesses a rare blend of commitment, competence, and urgency that is much sought-after and very seldom found. All who know Brandy and have worked with her are impressed and sing her praises. We are fortunate. The AFA and our Witan are made better by Brandy’s association with us.

Hail Witan Brandy Callahan!
Hail the Æsir!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

I am proud and excited to announce Andreas Svensson of Sweden as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder in the Þórshof District. I had the pleasure to meet Andreas when I was in Sweden a few years ago and think highly of him. Andreas is stepping up in our most successful international region and I am eager to see the great work he does for us in the coming months and years.

Hail Andreas Svensson!
Hail our Swedish AFA Family!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join me in welcoming Lucas Huston of Idaho as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder in the Óðinshof District. Idaho has seen amazing growth in the last few years and even more interest. This area is well poised to become a center of AFA activity. We are excited to have Lucas on the team and we look forward to all that he will accomplish in the coming months and years.

Hail Lucas Huston!
Hail the Folkbuilders!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join me in welcoming Charles Hopping of Indiana as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Þórshof District. Charles and his family have been huge supporters of the AFA in the last year and his enthusiasm has led him to want to serve our Gods and Folk in a leadership capacity. We look forward to the great things Charles will accomplish with us in the coming months and years.

Hail Charles Hopping!
Hail the Folkbuilders!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

Brandy Callahan Ordained as Gythia

In the glow of Baldr’s light, in the hof she put so much devotion into sanctifying, Brandy Callahan took her Ordination oath as a Gythia of the holy Æsir. Brandy is one of the most amazing people ever to join our AFA family, her commitment and her deeds are an example to us all. The AFA is exceedingly proud to Ordain Brandy as a priestess of our holy Gods and our AFA.

Hail Gythia Brandy Callahan!
Hail the Æsir!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

Jason Plourde Ordained as Gothi

After 3 long years on and off of study and of work, on March 27th 2021, Jason Plourde was Ordained as Gothi. Before the assembled Folk, before our holy Gods and at the altar of Baldr, Jason gave his oath and was elevated as a priest of the Æsir. Jason’s journey to get here has been one of growth, of self discovery and, above all, of commitment. We are truly honored to have Gothi Plourde represent us before the holy Æsir and to help lead our church into our glorious future.

Hail Gothi Jason Plourde!
Hail the Æsir!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

James Ault takes Folkbuilder Oath!

On 3/27/2021, at the dedication of Baldrshof, under the eyes of bright Baldr himself, James Ault of Wisconsin took the Folkbuilder oath and joined our ranks as a member of AFA leadership. James is always among the first to volunteer to help our folk…in any way…at any time. James, consistently, puts others first and helps make sure we are all taken care of. James’ apprenticeship has seen him hit the ground running and make amazing things happen steadily. We are very glad to have James on the team and very excited to watch as he continues to succeed in the months and years to come.

Hail James Ault!
Hail the Folkbuilders!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

Baldrshof Dedication

The official dedication of Baldrshof, Third Hof of the Asatru Folk Assembly, was held on Saturday, March 27th, 2021. Members from each district of the AFA gathered for this historic event.

As Folk entered the hof, there were declarations of amazement and pride in the beauty of the place. Kindred flags billowed from each side of the sanctuary and light radiated from the newly constructed shrines of the Folkmother Else Christensen and the Ancestors. Shining Baldr and Nanna watched over all from the full mural stretching across the entirety of the alcove of his altar. Children were delighted to find a room packed with toys. Our mothers relaxed and cared for their babies in a room dedicated just to them.

Following the welcoming, the land taking and dedication ceremony began. Alsherjargothi Matthew Flavel, surrounded by his folk and with the assistance of Gythias Catherine Erickson and Anna Szczepanksi, conducted a powerful and emotional ceremony. After receiving individual blessings of Baldr from the Alsherjargothi, men and women alike shed tears of joy as they embraced and congratulated each other.

Lunch and frith was shared in the feast hall following the dedication. Laughter echoed through the hall as Folk shared stories of the recent Baldrshof construction, caught up with old friends, and formed bonds with those they didn’t know before. Dying of eggs was followed by an egg hunt for the children as the adults gathered for a Q&A session with AFA Leadership. A beautiful blot to Ostara was led by Gythia Szczepanski  and was followed with a feast so large it took the entire buffet area and another table to hold it all. The night concluded with sumble by candlelight and long goodbyes.

Although the weather was chilly and wet, nothing was able to put a damper on the joy and excitement of the Folk on this amazing day!

Hail Baldr!

Hail the Folk!

Hail the AFA!

Gythia Brandy Callahan

Categories: News

Adam Hudak Awarded 2020 Folkbuilding Medal

Each year, we award the Folkbuilding Excellence Medal to the Folkbuilder who had stood out as the best of the best for the previous year. this is the 6th year we have awarded this Medal. Adam Hudak set the standard for Folkbuilding in 2020. When Adam came on the scene, he immediately got his own region squared away, not only that but he helped many other Folkbuilders and entire regions improve their Folkbuilding. When anyone struggled or needed extra help, Adam helped efficiently and eagerly. The Asatru Folk Assembly is made better by Adams hard work… it is truly appreciated.

Hail Adam Hudak!

Categories: News

Lane Ashby takes Folkbuilder Oath

On March the 13th, at Ostara in the South, Under the watching eyes of Þórr and in his hof, Lane Ashby was oathed in as a full Folkbuilder of the Asatru Folk Assembly. We are very proud to have Lane as an oathed member of AFA Leadership. Lane has proven his worth and his commitment through consistent volunteerism and consistent diligence.

Hail Lane Ashby!
Hail the Folkbuilders!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News