Day of Remembrance for Raud the Strong

On January 9th we pay homage to a true martyr of historical Asatru, Raud the Strong.

Raud was a chieftain of his people and a priest of the ancestral ways during the reign of Olaf Tryggvason. Olaf had taken it upon himself to convert all of Norway to the foreign religion of Christianity either by coercion or by force. Raud, being an influential chieftain, was eventually captured and “asked” if he wanted to convert to the new religion. He chose to remain tru to his Ancestors full well knowing his fate was now sealed. Olaf flew into a rage and commanded a snake to be forced down Raud’s throat. Eventually, with a hot poker coercing the snake, Olaf succeeded in his evil deed and Raud died as a result.

Today few of us can fathom such tyranny as Raud and many of our ancient ancestors were faced with. We may bemoan society or our lot in life, but truly we are not even close to the amount of insanity that crept over our homelands during the medieval times. Yet we can take heart from their examples, use their steadfastness to inspire us during our trials. We can use their unwillingness to yield to tyrannical madmen to inspire us to be more and to do more in this time.

We are a noble people, descended from noble ancestors; let us go out into the world and strive with our might and main to forge a new future for our Folk. Let us be the examples for the next generation, let us inspire them just as men like Raud have inspired us.

Hail Raud!!!

Blaine Qualls,
Gothar Coordinator
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

The Asatru Folk Assembly is proud to announce Brandy Callahan of North Dakota as our newest Apprentice Folkbuilder serving the NortherN Plains region. Brandy has been an eager volunteer since she has been with us and most recently she, along with fellow Apprentice Folkbuilder, Jessica Lambert have taken over the AFA Youth Program and are doing an amazing job of it. We are very excited to have Brandy Folkbuilding for us and we are eager to see her succeed.

Hail Brandy Callahan!
Hail the Folkbuilders!
Hail the AFA!

Categories: News

The AFA Celebrates 25 Years!

The Asatru Folk Assembly has officially turned 25!

During the entire year of 2020, the AFA will be celebrating our first 25 years and all of the amazing blessings those 25 years have brought us.

We would, first and foremost, like to thank the Aesir for their blessings over the last quarter of a century. It is our sincere hope that they are proud of all that we do and we renew our commitment to do all in our power to honor these, our holy Gods.

We would also like to thank all of our AFA members and leadership throughout the years for making this possible. To all those that have put in work to build this, those who are still with us, those that have passed, and those those that have parted company, thank you so much for helping to build what we all so much enjoy.

Last, but far from least, we give our deepest appreciation for our Founder Stephen McNallen and his wife, Gythia Sheila McNallen. The McNallens built our church with 25 years of blood, sweat, and tears. The McNallens have given us all more than we could ever hope to repay and this year of celebrating the AFA is a year of celebrating their glory as well.

Let us celebrate our 25th anniversary this year with joy and victory!

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!


Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

AFA Youth Program

The Asatru Folk Assembly is proud to announce that registration for the AFA Youth Program is now open! Registration is open to all folkish families with children ages 6 to 17. Our program is a Gothar managed curriculum designed to educate folkish children about Asatru lore and AFA Culture.

Younger children and their parents can look forward to creative and educational crafts that will make learning about Asatru easy and fun! Older children will have the opportunity to experience thoughtful character building assignments centered around AFA Values while learning other life skills designed to prepare them for success in the future!

Our first assignments will be sent via e-mail on January 1, 2020. Registration is open year-round.

To register your child for the program, please contact Jessica or Brandy at [email protected]

Categories: News

Gythia Sheila McNallen

On the Solstice, on the hallowed grounds of Óðinshof, Sheila McNallen was ordained as the newest Gythia for the Asatru Folk Assembly. Sheila’s name is well known to all Asatruar, her reputation has over a quarter of a century’s worth of deeds to show. It was a tremendous honor to Ordain the woman that built the AFA as an official priestess of our Holy Gods. We are beyond proud to have her represent us to the Gods and to represent the Gods to our Folk.

Hail Gythia Sheila McNallen!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Egil Skallagrimsson

Egil Skallagrimsson was born in 904CE in Iceland to Skalla-Grimr Kveldulfsson and Bera Yngvarsdottir. He was a renowned poet, warrior, and simple farmer, forever immortalized within the words of Egil’s Saga, a narration of his ancestors all the way to his descendants. From a young age, he exhibited talents for poetry and violence. Egil wrote his first poem at the age of three. He was prone to anger and violence, leading to claims of berserker behavior. This is evident when at the age of seven, Egil, having been cheated at a game, took an ax and split the skull of the boy who had cheated him.

His fury and skill in battle only grew with age. When severely insulted and nearly poisoned by Queen Gunnhildr’s kin, Bardr, he killed the man. This angered King Eirik and Queen Gunnhildr, who ordered Egil to be killed. But Egil bested his assassins and set up a nidpole against King Eirik and Queen Gunnhildr, vowing that the people of their land would not know peace until the King and Queen had been expunged from the land. Egil was also a renowned poet. When shipwrecked in Northumbria, he found that King Eirik and Queen Gunnhildr had fled there and been installed as the monarchs of the land. Imprisoned by the King, Egil wrote a poem (called a drapa) overnight that so moved the King, he offered Egil his freedom.

But Egil was not just known for his fighting prowess and skill with words. He was also skilled in rune magic. When Bardr had attempted to poison him, Egil carved a rune into the horn, causing the horn to shatter, proving his suspicions that it was an attempt on his life. But he also used the runes to heal others. When love runes had been written wrong, causing a woman to fall terribly ill, Egil burned the offending runes and carved new ones for healing. The woman immediately recovered and Egil warned not to use runes if you could not read them properly.

Egil was a skilled man in many areas of life, and always strove to seek justice and do good for others. During this coming Yule season, we should all strive to improve ourselves for the good of others and to seek out ways to help our kin and folk. One does not need renowned battle prowess to seek justice nor mighty rune magic to heal others. We should all focus on the love and support we can give to our folk, to be the person our ancestors hope for us and the one our descendants will speak of one day. We are our deeds!

Katee Allen
Gothar Student

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Queen Sigrith

On November the 9th we honour Queen Sigrith of Sweden. Widowed at a still young age, Queen Sigrith had many suitors vying for her hand in marriage. One by one each suitor was rebuffed, earning Queen Sigrith the nickname, Queen Sigrid the Haughty.

Eventually Sigrith did accept an offer of marriage from Olaf Tryggvason, king of Norway, and a rabid christian. Soon Sigrith travelled to Norway for the wedding ceremony. In the course of talking over the wedding plans Olaf asked Sigrith to give up her ancestral Gods and embrace christianity. She refused, and he promptly slapped her across the face with his glove. She rose, told him that strike might well be the death of him, and immediately called off the wedding.  Years later Olaf was killed in battle by Sigrith’s husband fulfilling her earlier prophecy.

Few today are willing to stand up for their beliefs in the face of adversity, Sigrith has much to teach such people. We may be living in a different time than she did, but our ancestral ways are under just as much, if not more, of a threat.  Today we have again chosen to take a stand by embracing our noble ways; we have chosen to take a stand by raising the trihorn banner and living the faith of our ancestors. Just as Sigrith stood strong so many generations ago, we too stand strong. By returning to our roots, building a positive future upon the families of our folk, and living noble ‘tru lives, we do in fact honour Sigrith and all those of our kind who chose not to kneel before the bedouin spirit.

Let us again rise and be a strong people! Hail those strong noble souls of the past! Hail Queen Sigrith!

Gothi Blaine Qualls Jr.
AFA Gothar Coordinator

Categories: News

The Saga of Thorrodd Snorrason and Jamptaland, 1026ce

This is a story from the time of Saint Olaf or Olaf Saga Helga, (ie, Holy), or not so in the case of Olaf II. It took place in the year, 1026ce, in northern Norway at a settlement called Jamptaland, a sparsely settled area, that both kings of Norway and Sweden claimed taxes, a border area along the spine of rugged mountains and hostile weather.

The saga tells a story of an ancestor of Snorri Sturleson, 1220ce., the author of the ‘Heimskringla, the History of the Kings of Norway’, and this ancestor is Thorrodd Snorrason.

Now I will let the Saga tell of how this Icelander, Thorrodd Snorrason, made his journey through this wild and hostile area of Jamptaland and the first time in written sources that we see what is meant by the word, “Troll”.

On the orders of King Olaf Thorrodd Snorrasson had remained in Norway and had not received permission from the king to return to his native Iceland. Thorrodd being ill-pleased with not being allowed to travel wherever he chose and wanted to a master of his own fate volunteered to be an emissary to travel to Jamptaland on the orders of Olaf to collect taxes from the people of that land. However, Thrand the White and eleven others has been sent on the same mission to collect taxes and never returned. Thorrodd thought it better to be free and travel so he set off with eleven others to tell of what the King required, that a tax was to be levied.

They arrived east and met a man named Thorar he was the Law Speaker there and was a man of great distinction. They were well received there, and after having stayed there a short time they revealed there mission to Thorar. He repliedthat for an answer to it, other men and chieftains of the district were as responsible as he, and promised he would summon an assembly. Thorar laid the matter before the people, and they all agreed on not wanting to pay the King of Norway any tax. As to his emissaries, some wanted to hang them and make sacrifices. It was decided to detain them until the bailiffs from the King of Sweden arrived, the emissaries were well treated and lodged, and told to wait until the tax was collected, not knowing that the people of the district were to decide what to do with them and the emissaries were lodged two at a time, Thorrodd and a companion stayed at Thorar’s place.

At this time a great Yuletide entertainment was happening with joint drinking. There were many farmers in that settlement and they all drank together at Yuletide. There was another settlement not far away where lived a relation of Thorar, a powerful and wealthy man, who had a grown son. These relatives were to celebrate Yule at each other’s place in turn, first at Thorar’s. The two knsmen drank to one another, and Thorodd, to the farmer’s son. They held a drinking match, and in the evening a contest arose between the Norwegians and the Swedes. As the drinking progressed it became clear to Thorrodd things that he did not suspected and chose to leave the settlement, so Thorrodd and his companion took their clothes and left.

When it was discovered that they had fled, bloodhounds and men pursued Thorrodd and were found hiding in the forest. They were then thrown into to a pit and ill-treated. Being it was the middle of Yule Thorar left to see other kinsmen and left to guard Thorrodd was Thralls that began to get drunk and in the dark one of Thorrodd managed to get out of the pit by standing on his companions shoulders. Thorrodd tried as he could to lift up his companion only to find he could not, so he used a pulley and brought his friend out to the pit. They made there escape and by placing reindeer hooves on backward on their feet walked into the forest. Bloodhounds and men tried to track them but the reindeer scent and the backward marking hoofs fooled the men and dogs.

Thorrodd and his companion traveled through the deserted forest for a long while and then came upon a small farm. They went in and found a man and woman siting by the fire. The man gave his name as Thorir and said the woman sitting by him was his wife. He told him he had to flee the village due to a killing. Thorrodd and his companion were well entertained and afterwards they were given bedding and a place to sleep on the dias. When the fire in the fireplace was about to die down a man came in from another house, he had never seen so large a man. That man wore a scarlet cloak with a gold lace border and a most stately appearance

Thorrodd heard the man reproach the woman and said we hardly have enough to eat why are you doing this, and she said don’t be angry brother, this rarely happens before, rather you give them some help, because you are better able to do than we. Thorrodd heard the large man was named Arnjot Gellini and gathered that the woman of the house was his sister. Thorrodd had heard that Arnjot was a wicked highway man and evil doer.

They slept for a while and then Arnjot came to get them up and make ready for the journey. They were given breakfast and skis and departed, Arnjot on his broad and long skis and after some time it became hard for Thorrodd and his companion to keep up with Arnjot, so he told told Thorrodd stand on his skis behind him an to grab his belt and the companion to hang on to Thorrodd and Arnjot ran fast as if unencumbered.

After a third of the night had passed the three men came to a shelter and kindled fire and began to eat, but while the ate Arnjot told them to take care and throw away all bits and pieces of food, whether crumbs or bones. When they had finished eating they hid there leavings a prepared to go to sleep.

In on end of the house was a loft above the crossbeams. Arnjot and the two other climbed up into the loft and Arnjot slept on the outside toward the ladder and with his halberd and sword.

Shortly afterwards a group of twelve men came in, they were merchants traveling to Jamptaland with there wares. They were noisy and cheerful with merriment. They had kindled a big fire and ate their dinner and prepared to sleep and had left the remains of their dinner where they slept. After a short time a big Troll Woman came to the house and when she entered in she swiftly swept everything together, bones and everything she thought edible and devoured it. Then she grabbed the man nearest to her and ripped him to pieces, and threw him on the fire. Then other awoke as if from a bad dream, and jumped up, but she killed them one after the other, so only one survived, he ran under the loft and asked for help. Then Arnjot grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him up. Arnjot grabbed his halberd and ran it through her between the shoulder blades so the point came out at her breast. She reared up quickly and shrieked fiendishly, and rushed out of doors. Arnjot had to let go his spear and she took it with her. Arnjot cleared away the corpses and set the door and door frame back in the house, for she had broken both when she ran out.

They slept the remainder of the night, and when it dawned they arose and ate their breakfast and when they had eaten, Arnjot said, “now we shall have to part, you must follow the tracks that the merchants made when they came here yesterday, but I shall be looking for my halberd As a reward for what I did for you I will take some of the things these men had brought along. You Thorrodd shall deliver my greeting to King Olaf.

Thorrodd journeyed on and met King Olaf and the King grand Thorrodd permission to leave Norway and return home to Iceland.

Thorgrun Odden
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Freyr’s servants in growth

Our lore is resplendent with names and kenning of the Gods and Goddesses; but when we get to the “servants” of the Gods, we are largely left with conjecture. Who are these beings and their tasks? What relationship and service did they perform for the Gods? What relationship did they have with our ancestors and their “spiritual life”? How do we regain something lost to time?
 In this article I will be taking a closer look at Skírnir, Byggvir and Beyla and their relationship with Freyr, the world, and us.

Many of us are familiar with Freyr’s wooing of Gerðr, a tale often discussed in Charming of the Plow celebrations. Freyr, who sat on Odin’s high seat of Hlidskjalf saw a beautiful woman in Jötunheimr who he fell in love with upon sight. On seeing his unease Njörðr and Skaði send Skírnir, a servant of Freyr, to him to find out what is wrong. Freyr tells Skírnir of his want for the woman and Skírnir with a horse and Freyr’s sword rides to Jötunheimr to meet with Gerðr and win her love for his lord, Freyr. Skírnir offers her gifts and upon being refused then offers her curses. After the threat of curses is laid upon Gerðr, she agrees to marry Freyr (heavily paraphrased).

In the wooing of Gerðr, we see the power that Freyr sends to Jötunheimr to win her affections represented in Skírnir. Skírnir in old norse means “shining one”, a cognate of Skírr or “clean/pure/clear”. To me, Skírnir very easily represents the directed male power stemming from the sun being, sent by Freyr to work his will in Jötunheimr. The wight Skírnir, for we know not what else to call him, brings with him Freyr’s sword (or plow) and the wellhouse of Sunna’s power directed at a specific goal/fate. His first attempts at trying to win Gerðr by offering her the promise of Freyr and the gifts he brings are denied by Gerðr. The jötunn is content in her stead and status quo. She is unbidden earth, extremes in all things; both beautiful and ugly. She cannot create other than in the basest of forms. Skírnir brings with him creation, life, and empowering evolution to an otherwise untamed earth. When she refuses his gifts, Skírnir turns to curses. These curses showing her what life will be like if she denies Freyr and his gifts; sun, growth, fertility, evolution. Luckily, after this she agrees to marry with Freyr. Whether you see this as a tale of earth refusal of incoming spring, or a lesson on Freyr and his lore; Skírnir has a powerful role.

Another two servants of Freyr that we know of based only off a few lines in Lokasenna. These wights named Byggvir (barley, seed, seed corn) and Beyla (bean, cow, bee) cognate of proto-norse Baunila (little bean, little swelling) are mentioned but briefly. There is thought that I share, that they represent agriculture and the fruits of success in the harvest. Beyla being the mound and the spirit of gathering and holding of energy. Byggvir being the seed grown from that mound to maturity for food, both for man and animal, as well as drink (mmm, ale!). If we are to look at them as spirits of the gift of Freyr and Gerðr’s union, their role may be just as powerful as Skírnir’s in the sense of agriculture and the growth and harvest.

For us in Alaska this year for Freyfaxi, we will be including Byggvir and Beyla in our ritual. Two of our folk will dress and take on the “persona” of Byggvir and Beyla in a small amount of ritual drama to take the gifts of the folks’ harvest and offer them to Freyr in blot. It is my hope that including the wights that make up our harvest will make a better bond between the folk and Freyr and our joyful bounty is shared with him in thanks for his gifts.

May Freyr and his blessing bring joy and life to you and may your Freyfaxi be blessed.

Hail Freyr!
Hail Skírnir!
Hail Byggvir!
Hail Beyla!
Hail the AFA!

Steve Morrell,
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Saga of Vatnsdal, Iceland


The Saga begins in Norway with the birth of Ingimund. 

Ingimund fought in the battle of Havsfjord with what would be the first king of all of Norway, King Harald Fairhair.  Contrary to what the Christians have stated, King Harald Fairhair was Asatru and followed the ancient Way. Years after Fairhair had died and the Nation was officially Christian, Harald Fairhair’s remains had been removed from his megalithic tomb and placed in a Christian Church, hence in my opinion retroactively making the first king of Norway a “Christian”, most likely this happened when King Saint Olaf was king of Norway, 1000ce.

The story of Ingimund  is about his most fortunate life, he was of a noble family, and friend of Harald Fairhair and eventually, a founder of a large Settler family of Iceland.

His fortunate survival in the Battle of Havsfjord starts when he meets up with his father, in celebration at a feast on his fathers ancestral estate in northern Norway. Many were invited and among the guests was a Lapp woman, a Seeress. Well, the men and Ingimund prepared a ‘magic’ rite in the old heathen fashion. A High Seat was prepared for the Seeress and she came dressed in fine attire. Many men asked of their future, they all took the news in a different way. The Seeress asked, “why do the young men not ask about their futures?” Ingimund answered, “it is not important to know my future.” She answered, “ I will nevertheless tell you  without being asked. You will settle in a land called Iceland, it is not yet fully settled. There you will become a man of honor and live to a great age. Many of your kinsfolk will be noble figures in that land.” Ingimund did not want to go to Iceland and wanted to stay with his father and keep his ancestral land in Norway.

The Lapp Seeress answered, “what I am saying will come to pass and a sign of this is the amulet is missing from your purse, it now lies in the wood where you will settle, and on this silver amulet the figure of freyr is carved and when you establish your homestead, then my prophesy will be fulfilled”.

The next morning Ingimund searched for the amulet and could not find it.

When the King had won the Battle he gave gifts and Ingimund received friendship of the King and the amulet. Among those that received gifts was Rognvald of More, he became Earl of Orkney.

Ingimund’s father was growing old and ill. Again he travelled to see him. His father, Thorstein said, “now kinsman, It would not seem strange were you to find yourself moving from these ancestral lands and I not allow this to trouble me. The thing which I hold best in my life is that I have not been aggressive towards others, and it is very likely that my life will come o an end in the same peaceful manner because I feel a sickness coming on, now I want to know how my affairs stand. He died shortly afterwards and he was given a fitting burial in the ancient Asatru way.

The King arranged a marriage of Vigdis to Ingimund and the King said, “I cannot deny that the may have a purpose and that Freyr might wish his amulet to rest in the place where he wants his seat of honor to be established.”

Ingimund said, “ he was eager to know whether he could find the amulet after digging was done for his high seat pillars.”

Ingimund sent for three Lapp from the north and said, “ I will give you butter and tin if you undertake an errand for me and search in Iceland for my amulet and report back to me the lay of the land.” They said, “ you must shut us up in a shed together and our names must not be revealed”. They told Ingimund that it was a dangerous journey, and described the land where he would settle.

After a good voyage Ingimund landed in the northwest coast of Iceland with his kinsfolk. They wintered and when spring came they set out to look for a place where the snow melted from the mountains early. On the way Vigdis gave birth to a girl named Thordis and Ingimund named this place Thorisarholt or Thordis’s Wood. They then set off up the valley (Vatnsdal) and found good grass and woods. It was lovely to behold. Ingimund took a large land holding and built a great temple a hundred feet long and when he dug the holes for the high-seat pillars he found the amulet as had been prophesied. He named his farm Hof,(Temple) farm.

Closing thought; when Ingimund left his ancestral land did he cover his sacred site, his Hof, with peat and take his high seat pillars with him to Iceland, could it be the ancient Asatru site that was discovered recently and disrespected and destroyed? Just a thought.

Thorgrun Odden,
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News