New Apprentice Folkbuilder

Please join me in welcoming Benjamin Cooper of Idaho as the AFA’s newest Apprentice Folkbuilder! Ben will be working alongside Connor Norris and Joe Rozanek to build and serve our Northwest membership. The Northwest has seen rapid growth over the last year and a half and we have big plans for the future. We are excited to see the great work Ben is poised to do for our Folk and our Gods.

Hail Ben Cooper!
Hail the AFA!
Hail the Aesir!

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Denmark Moot (2013

from The Voice: August 2013

Here are a few pictures of the first AFA Event in Europe. The next issue of THE VOICE, will contain more stories and photos from all whom attended the moot. 

I walked into the room at the National Museum, and my eyes immediately focused on one object out of perhaps half a dozen, many of which were larger or more colorful. It was only about three feet tall, but to me it stood high above the others …

As many of you know, the Snoldelev runestone is of special interest to the AFA. The triple-horn motif which we adopted as our emblem appears on this monument, signifying the three containers of mead Odin drank to win the gift of wisdom, of the divine ecstatic condition. 

The Snoldelev stone – named for the village in which it was found – is dedicated to the honor of Gunnvald, “son of Hroald, thulr at Salhaugar.” In this context – and especially considering the heavily Odinic associations of the three-horned symbol – thulr would be a reciter of the religious lore, and perhaps a seer himself. The inscription dates from around the year 800, just as the Viking Age was getting underway.

Another strange thing about the Snoldelev stone is that it contains not one, but three, …seems to me to be significant, indicating a sort of succession from the age of bronze, to the age of iron, to that of the odr/subtle energy. But that’s just my personal interpretation.

I lingered in the room as long as I could, contemplating this stone that is so important to the organization to which we belong. I asked it for its wisdom, for the secrets contained within, and I thought on Gunnvald, deprived of his memorial stone.

-Steve McNallen

Denmark – Part One

It’s hard to describe our pilgrimage. It wasn’t a vacation, not a simple snapshot tour of the European countryside, nor was it merely an AFA ‘business trip’. It was the quenching of a thirst I didn’t know I had; an ecstatic mead of people and places pouring their spirit into the cauldron that hangs in my heart. Looking back just a few weeks later, it becomes difficult to separate the experiences; impossible to think which stone circle we visited first or last, or to count the seemingly endless bottles of mead that we poured on the ancient mounds of the great dead.

Denmark is the storybook land. As I write this, hundreds of people gather to celebrate the centennial of The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen. Everywhere we went, thatched cottages sat at the end of meandering country lanes, fields of wheat were being harvested, and the Danish flag flew proudly atop flagpoles everywhere, dwarfed only by the multitude of windmills.

I could write at length about the land of Jutes and Angles, but I’ll just point out a few highlights that I felt transformed me spiritually.

The Copenhagen Museum – Surrounded by items I have long seen in pictures was fascinating. The Gundestrop Cauldron was a real highlight, as were the numerous hammers, idols, swords and helmets, but two moments of greatness happened here. The first was standing in the shadow of an Auroch’s skeleton. Together with Matt Flavel, our Folkbuilder Coordinator, we stared at the mighty beast, hunted and lost to a bog, not eaten by his killers, but preserved for all time. Perhaps his destiny was not to sustain another’s …have breezed the bones. Uuuuuruuuuzzz .. .for the might of the young hunters …. Uuuuuuruuuzzzz … for the might of the beast… .. Uruuuzzzzzzz …… a destiny fulfilled, 
perhaps for us and for the Auroch’s.

It was just a few rooms later, past the wagon, the bog bodies (I admit to mixed feelings about their being showcased) the shields and Lur trumpets that the Hall of Runestones appeared. It was not the largest, nor the most elaborate, but for us it was the most important. That day, the Trihorn emblem of the AFA came home. I was honored to be present when Stephen McNallen set eyes on the Snoldelev stone for the first time. The symbol which has meant so much to us as AFA kin was taken from the engraving made on that stone in the 9th century. It was the perfect first day, and set the tone for the days to come.

We visited standing stones and dolmens, but I had a true awakening deep in the womb of the earth. Our Danish Folkbuilder Lars lrenesson along with our new friends Soren and Aziza had planned an amazing tour (most of which Steve has detailed in his regular postings on the web). We drove our cars along country roads and made our way on foot up a dirt path in the middle of a farmer’s field. I don’t know where it was. I couldn’t point it out on a map, nor tell you the name of the place, but those are details, unimportant and unnecessary as we made our way up the gentle slope to two tree-lined burial mounds. They stood as a shocking green crown atop the golden wheat that covered the land. We made our way past the first hill, under shady beech trees and past brambles, to the second mound.

My breath left my body. I’ve stood at burial mounds before, but never have I stared at the entrance to one. The long stone-lined tunnel invited us deep within, where Aziza had lit candles to illuminate the chamber. As Shiela McNallen entered the tomb, a rabble of Butterflies made their exit, jet black and beautiful in the sunlight.

The tomb was big enough to fit eight of us comfortably, and tall enough that I could stand upright, albeit barely. We sat against the cool stone. We passed a horn and absorbed the silent beauty of the chamber. Here we sat not in a place of death, but in a gateway to the next realm. I found it strangely comforting and humbling. Matt asked if I would lead us in a… down the entrance and see the world from that perspective. From the stony dark to the blue skies and fields outside. Life, to death, to rebirth. Something shifted inside me. In that moment, the sunlight washing over my face through the darkness, I changed.

-Brad Taylor-Hicks

Categories: News

Sonnenwald Kindred of Northern California

Today I’m honored to announce the Sonnenwald Kindred of Northern California as a official Kindred of the Asatru Folk Assembly. California now has another Kindred. This group has hosted meet ups and hikes in the past and they are keeping up the momentum and pushing forward. Gaining Kindred recognition is not a easy thing, it takes dedication and loyalty and willingness to stand with our church and family. Sonnenwald Kindred thank you for stepping up and representing our church! Hail the Doers! Hail the Kindreds of the AFA!

Hail 25 years of the Asatru Folk Assembly!!!

Jason Gallagher AFA Kindred Coordinator [email protected]

Categories: News

Brandy Callahan Oathed in as Folkbuilder

At Fallfest V the Asatru Folk Assembly was proud to oath in Brandy Callahan as Folkbuilder. Brandy has shown a professionalism and competence that that few can match. The AFA has benefited from Brandy’s hard work tremendously. Brandy Runs the AFA Youth Program and under her direction that program has surpassed all expectation. In addition to Folkbuilding and the Youth Program, Brandy leads our history projects. Brandy is the Hof Historian for Baldurshof and coordinates the other Hof Historians. We are very grateful for all the ways Brandy has served and continues to serve our Gods and Folk.

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Zachary Cato Oathed in as Folkbuilder

At Fallfest the Asatru Folk Assembly was proud to Oath in Zachary Cato as Folkbuilder. In his time as Apprentice Folkbuilder, Zach has shown a persistent dedication towards the AFA and towards the membership in his region. Zach has put his heart and soul into his work for the Gods and Folk. Please join us in celebrating Zach’s advancement to the position of Oathed Folkbuilder.

Matthew D. Flavel
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Day of Remembrance for Prince Hermann of the Cherusci (17 B.C. – 21 A.D.)

I have the profound pleasure and honor to talk to you this month about a great man, a man that all Germanic people owe a debt of gratitude to. Hermann Von Cherusci, known to the Romans as Arminius. Hermann was born into a royal family of the Cherusci tribe in either 17 or 18 BC in Germania. As a child, he was a hostage to the Roman empire. Hermann was afforded every luxury in Rome and learned the ways of the Roman empire. He eventually earned his Roman citizenship and was made a Roman Knight due to his capability as a Roman officer and soldier fighting in the great Illyrian revolt.

Soon after Hermann’s service in Illyria, he was sent Germania as a commander to help Governor Publius Quintillus Varus complete the conquest of the Germanic tribes. The Romans trusted Hermann to command Roman troops against his own people, but Hermann had other plans. Secretly Hermann worked at uniting several Germanic troops and plot against the invading Roman army.

Hermann knew the Romans were incredibly capable on open ground, and it was suicide to take on the legions in an open field, so he convinced Varus to march the legions through the now-famous Teutoburg forest. The Germanic warriors had the advantage in the deep forest, it was their home ground and a place they felt comfortable, whereas Romans were not accustomed to deep woods and had a healthy fear of the forest. Once in the Teutoburg forest, the legions were destroyed by the combined effort of several Germanic tribes. Stopping cold the march of Rome into Germania.

After the seminal battle of Teutoburg Forest, The Romans made several small attempts to again invade Germania. Notably, Hermann’s own brother, a Roman officer, was involved in the fighting and a plot that had Hermann’s wife and child captured and be lost forever into Roman Hands. All further Roman incursions into Germania were defeated and Rome never was able to conquer or cow Germania.

Hail Hermann! If Hermann had not been successful, Germania may well have fallen to roman arms and been subject to the Germanic culture being subjugated to the Roman ways, much as happened to the Celts of Gaul. We owe thanks to the great Hermann for two thousand years of continued German culture and language. Despite the incredible personal cost to himself, Hermann never wavered from love and service to his folk. He gave up a life of privilege and luxury in the greatest empire of the classical world in order to fight for his people. Hermann lost his family, his own brother was made enemy, and yet Hermann still persisted in his dedication to his people.

Herman would be eventually assassinated by other Germanic nobles, fearful of the great power he had amassed, but his legacy lives on. Hermann and his honor and dedication serve as a powerful example for our folk to follow. Hermann is still beloved by Germans today, his statue looms over the forest where he had his greatest triumph as a stark reminder that Germanic spirit will not be conquered.

Rob Stamm
Asatru Folk Assembly

Categories: News

Mother of All Moots…and more (2013)

from The Voice: May 2013

Mother of All Moots – For Those Who Missed It!
by Steve McNallen

In short, the Moot was fantastically successful!

The Asatru Folk Assembly was already pushing beyond the boundaries by having not just one, but two major, well-attended annual events – one in California, and another in Pennsylvania. And then, at MoM, we announced that our Danish members were sponsoring the first-ever AFA conference in Europe. This is unprecedented in modern Asatru!

The Danish news was one of many signs that the AFA is breaking new ground. Other indicators: A joint statement by Ed red Thorsson and Steve McNallen made it official that the Asatru Folk Assembly has purchased rights to a number of Edred’s important works which had become unavailable with the demise of Runa-Raven Press. More significant publishing projects are also underway, with details to follow. 

student Carrie Overton stepped forward into Daniel Updike’s shoes on short notice to give blot to Frigga, when Daniel’s journey was interrupted by illness. Pat Ha// led us in a moving rite of healing for Daniel’s wife (which certainly seems to have been effective). Folkbuilders renewed their oaths while standing in front of a huge new hand-stitched AFA banner that dominated the ritual area. At the end of MoM, Clergy student Bryan Wilton blessed our going. Each meal, of course, was hallowed by one of the folk before the chow line formed.

Spiritual opportunities abounded, most especially in Brad’s runic galdering sessions and Steve’s notes on his personal, practical techniques for working with the mysteries of Odin’s mead theft.

But not all was intense! Tony Rochman built an unbelievable may pole, tall and graceful and festooned with ribbons, which our ladies and children decked with real flowers. We all danced around it – ineptly, perhaps, but with much laughter and delight. Stuart Mason and John Weed of the band Molly’s Revenge had us tapping our feet and nodding our heads to their fine Celtic and Appalachian tunes. The fireplace was a scene of joy and camaraderie.

Permeating the whole event was the presence of the Viking Brotherhood, a California-­based fraternal order with quite a few AFA members. Made up of young men interested in the history and culture of the Vikings, its members wear distinctive vests complete with raven flags and the powerful Viking Brotherhood logo. This may sound intimidating to some, but they were uniformly polite, respectful, and constructive. If you needed a task done right away, you could look for one of the fellows wearing a vest and rest assured it was a done deal.

There is more, so much more, but space prevents further expansion. Suffice to say it was wonderful – and that you can find out what it’s like for yourself by coming to an AFA event such as our upcoming Danish adventure, or next October’s Winter Nights in the Poconos! 

Notes from your Leadership about MoM:

Matt Flavel –
All AFA gatherings are amazing, but MoM had a feeling of kinship and dynamism that was above and beyond. For me, the weekend started off with seeing our new banner, I could not take my eyes off it all weekend, it is truly inspiring. The weekend was full of powerful rituals and inspiring talks, we learned of brave new endeavors that the AFA is doing and we developed skills and techniques to evolve spiritually. The galdr sessions were powerful for all involved. One of the highlights for me was the oathing of our Folkbuilders. The atmosphere pulsed with fellowship of tribe and family. My life is better for having gone and I hope more of my AFA family can attend these gatherings in the future.

Daniel Updike
The trip my wife and I had was a challenge to say the least. We did not make it to the moot as my wife was developing DVT (deep vein thrombosis) in her legs while we were travelling. We deeply appreciate the positive energy sent our way during this experience, and a special thank you to our AFA kin at the Moot who held a special healing rite for her when they found out about what was happening. We truly know without a doubt that we are all part of a family and TRIBE in the AFA! As a note, Kelly is doing much better, and has almost fully recovered from the DVT. Next time we fly.

Brian Wilton say that his most powerful experience at MoM was “charging the offering to Odin during the Wayfarers blot. Leads me to believe that we should all endeavor to become more involved in our worship activities”.

Notes from Members that attended MoM:
The gathering at Enchanted Hills for the Mother of all Moots was truly a coming home for those of us who attended. Folk from far and wide showed up to celebrate and further the awakening of the Spirit. From the moment that me and Andrew arrived there was an energy that radiated about the place. We knew empirically that we were exactly where we needed (nauthiz) to be. We were greeted as if we were family and had known everyone for a lifetime. The feeling was mutual. WE all felt like we belonged together and that feeling never waned throughout the entire Moot. Read Michael’s entire letter here. 

Michael Hartrich says he enjoyed the rune chanting and galdering hosted by Brad Taylor­-Hicks

Channcie Bean
MoM was my 4th AFA event, and with each one I build new friendships and further bond with old friendships. It was an awakening of my soul once again. I traveled 4,684 air miles and drove over 1,200 miles to and from home. I was welcomed with hugs and said goodbye even more hugs. I look forward to the next event, see you all at Winter Nights!

News and Notes from Shelia McNallen –
Hail to our Mary
Imagine reaching retirement age and leaving the work force, to then volunteer for a nonprofit organization! This describes Mary Minshall, who has given the AFA over a dozen years since she took on the formidable job of managing our membership database. For those of us who have worked closely with Mary, her professionalism has made our jobs much easier.

Mary recently underwent successful knee-surgery, but is still in the recovery stage. Along with some membership-related tasks, she’ll be assisting with our Runestone Press and other publishing ventures as an editor and proofreader. We know she’ll shine in whatever she does. Thank you, Mary! 

Categories: News

Winter Nights in Poconos (2012) AND News and updates from Members across the Nation (2012)

from The Voice 2012

In October a truly historic event occurred named Winternights in the Poconos. The AFA hosted it’s first major event in the Northeastern United States. The gathering was held at historic Camp Netimus in the beautiful Poconos Mountains of Northern Pennsylvania among the crisp fall leaves. It was a weekend full of powerful rituals and deep fellowship. It was another spiritual charged weekend with new and old friends. 

News and updates from Members across the Nation:

Here’s a mini-report about yesterday’s Nevada County Food and Toy Run where the AFA had two booths. Emily and Diane had spent preceding weeks shopping, baking, and roasting pork so our “Pulled Pork Plates” were ready to go when the 2000 bikes rode into the fairgrounds. Meanwhile, Sheila set up a booth right next to it with AFA materials, and stayed pretty busy talking to the folks wandering by. We had perfect weather with clear skies and about 60 degrees, in the prettiest fairground setting in California. It was simply a great day, very busy and upbeat.

Thanks go out to all who helped: Diane, Jim, Sandy, Katie, Thorgrun, Knute, Linda, Marc, Lindsey, and Sheila. And a very special thanks goes out to Thom Staser, friend of the AFA and organizer of the Toy Run for twenty years, who offered us free space and who encouraged us to have an information booth. How did we do? We cleared about $500, including some book sales.

Deep South. We had a pretty busy year here in the Deep South during 2012. Towards the beginning of the year the Asatru Alliance held a day moot at the European Street Cafe in Jacksonville. We had a great turn out of AFA members at this event. Shortly thereafter the Asatru Alliance held a weekend moot in Georgia that was attended by several AFA members. There, we were privileged with handful of us traveled by air and car to attended the AF/\s Midsummer in the Sierras, and what a spectacular event that was. Several of us attended a Njord blot that was held for a friend’s deployment. Yet again, we had members who drove and flew to attend the AF/\s Winter Nights in the Poconos. As to be expected with the AF/\s major events we had great speakers, musicians, and very powerful rituals. There was a luncheon held in downtown Savannah, which afterwards we visited some of the cities historical sites. A small group of our Deep South members partook in a beach clean-up in St. Augustine. Out of all the groups that attended the event, our AFA members collected the most trash. We also had many small meet ups with members throughout the year.

Sylvia Sawyer, one of the Folkbuilders for the Northeast attended the Buffalo Pagan Pride day for the AFA, she met a lot of people there and got the news out about the AFA. She and husband, Alan, attended the Winternight in the Poconos. Alan and Sylvia led a small Kindred in West New York area and have monthly book studies for Asatru.

Mark Macleod, one of the Folkbuilders for the West, attended the yearly event, Midsummer in the Sierra’s in June. With the help of his kinsfolk, they attended and helped with the March Moot at Camp Norge, hiking and picnic at the Sequoia Big Tree State Park, BBQ at Jack London State Park and their day trip Muir Beach. They did fundraising at the Nevada City Toy Run for the AFA. 

Denny Boltenhouse, Folkbuilder of the Midwest. He set up a table to advertise the AFA at a huge outdoor market. He organized a moot at the Hofbrau Haus in Pittsburgh. He spends he time meeting with people interested in information an the AFA throughout the region.

Bryan Wilton, Folkbuilder for Central Corridor, He attended the Ostara Meetup at Heavener Runestone, A midsummer event in Eureka Springs Arkansas hosted by White Wolf Kindred, He held a small Winternights celebration in his home. Him and his sons drove to CA to attend the AFA midsummer event along with Robbie Ashmore and his family.

Judy Floyd, Folkbuilder for South Central, Co-hosted a 4 day event is April and hosted a 1 day event is August.

Daniel Updike, Folkbuilder for Canada, started folkbuilding in September 2012. Note from Daniel – In September Har’s Hall Kindred (which started in January of 2012) was established enough to create a membership criteria. At the same time we took part in the “Pagan Pride” celebration in Edmonton, where we represented Asatru to the community at large. We passed out a great deal of literature to the public about the AFA and I gave a 45 minute lecture on our faith to those in the general Edmonton community who had come to see the event. Most were non-pagan.

We held a pubmoot in October for Kindred members to bring interested people to for information on Asatru. We had a turnout of 10 people.

In terms of the rest of the country, we are starting online public meetings through an ingenious software platform called “anymeeting”, which is a free service that allows conference with up to 200 people at once. We held a meeting this month, and had a small turnout of 4, but this is new and will grow. It is the situation in Canada (a LARGE territory) that many AFA members are scattered and isolated. It is my hope to use the technological toys of our age to provide a way for our people here to unite and break the isolation barrier -that everyone can feel that they are an active part of what’s going on here in our own country in the AFA.

AFA members in Har’s Hall Kindred along with myself are also putting out a bi-monthly podcast called “Northern Runes Radio” in an attempt to bring a sense of connection to our folk, both here in Canada and around the world. Also to attract listeners who are not yet awakened to who they are, and give them inspiration to look into their true ancestral heritage. So far, NRR (Northern Runes Radio) is now listened to with varying audiences in Northern Runes Radio.

In Alaska, we started the year with a small gathering for Ostara, where we feasted on rabbit stew. It was a record year for snow and we walked down a path with 4 feet of snow on each side, to preform a Blot at the edge of a beautiful lake under the bright stars. Half way during blot we had realized that we had built the fire on top on the dock not the lake! We completed the blot and then laughed at the large burning hole in the dock. The first large gathering we had was Midsummer. We feasted on a turkey that was raised by Matt Flavel. It was an all day event in which everyone, old and new friends, helped prepare the feast and blot. We enjoyed an amazing blot by Matt, then feasted. It was a good feeling that the only hitch was we had to find another table for all the guests. The night ended with a moving sumble and then Matt, Channcie and Eric being whisked to the airport to catch a flight to Midsummer in the Sierra’s. We had various other gatherings throughout the year including but not limited to a flag blessing, Day of Remembrance for Radbod, Day of Remembrance for Hermann of the Cherusci, Day of Remembrance for Erik the Red, Winternights, Feast of the Einherjar and Yule. Matt and Channcie were able to attend the wonderful Winter Nights in the Poconos. As a group we had decided that we wanted to meet everyday of Yule, that was harder then planned. But during the days and nights of Yule we met for Mead Tasting, Gift Exchange, Dinner, fires with a large feast and blot on Mother’s Night.

Categories: News

Midsummer 2012 Notes from Steve McNallen (2012)

from The Voice 2012
by Steve McNallen

They came from one end of the continent to the other. Local folks, of course, and a trio from Alaska. A carload of young folks drove all the way from Florida. New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Washington, Oklahoma, Maryland, Arkansas – plane tickets and gas receipts from a dozen states bore witness to their pilgrimage. Some had planned their journey months in advance, some not so. One came in response to a cast of the runes.

All, strangely enough, were coming home.

Midsummer 2012 was designed to be a meta-ritual, from the first gesture of the initial blessing to the last word of the closing. Everything – the presentations, the sumbel, the meals we ate together in the hall, was part of this great, all-encompassing meta-ritual. Specifically, the objectives included a noticeable degree of spiritual evolution for each and every individual present…the evolutionary advance of the Asatru Folk Assembly as a whole … and the application of that evolution to the objectives of the AFA.

Throughout the gathering, I felt like an arrow in flight: focused, committed, unstoppable, pure.

My main presentations followed a sequence. First, one on the “how” of individual evolution. I mentioned runes, the connection between Odin’s mead quest and kundalini yoga, the idea of pushing yourself! “Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” My second one was titled “Awakening and Will: Ourselves, Our Folk, Our Mission.” The title says it all.

Other presenters supported this theme. Perhaps most relevant was Brad Taylor-Hicks’ talk on “Eddas, Vedas, and the Odinic Quest.” Pat Hall gave two sessions on “hexology” – the application of Pennsylvania Dutch traditions to modern Asatru symbolism, including the runes. Ann Taylor taught us about meditation techniques. Marlene Slichter led us in a session on runic divination. 

our purposes not just for that moment, but for the entire gathering – it was not undone until the last day. In it, we asked for the blessings of the Gods and Goddesses, the ancestors, and the wights of the place. The Midsummer blot was next day, when we placed our spiritual offerings on the sunwheel and burned it in the roaring fire. Immediately afterward, we performed a healing rite for all those in need. The web of folk, surrounding the afflicted ones and sending might through each other to those requiring it, was a humming net of healing and love.

Perhaps the high point of the event, ritually, was the blot to Odin. Late at night, torch-lit, with Dylan Sheets of the band Lasher Keen pounding out our passion, we honored the All Father and asked for his blessings – again, in the forms of individual and collective evolution, and for the destiny of the AFA!

But next day’s Wayfarer Blot, performed by Clergy student Matt Flavel as his final requirement for ordination, was also spectacular and particularly moving. Immediately afterward, he took the oath of gothi in the AFA.

The final ceremony was the next day, in which the camp was returned to its original condition and the meta-ritual concluded. After the last of the folk had departed the area, I stepped outside the circle of standing torches … and the rite was done.

All the rituals and presentations made up the framework and the anchor points of AFA Midsumer in the Sierras, but other things made up the blood and flesh. Take our meals, for example: We followed AFA custom, in that (1) every meal was blessed before we ate, (2) we all ate together, (3) children ate first, leadership ate last – and most definitely (4) no one went away hungry! Kitchen-meister Diane has prepared and served us food for decades now, and her daughter Emily has born a big share of the burden for years. We saw her daughter Elle, generation three, in an apron for the first time this Midsummer. (Emily did all the wedding provisions as well as all our breakfasts!)

A host of informative talks, workshops, and activities filled out the themes described earlier in this report. Sheila on genealogy … Knut with his telescope .. .David James on Germanic naming … half a dozen different crafts … Jim on preparedness, me on building resilient shirts” prepared by Sean of Northlanders. Inc. were the perfect prizes for the winning tribe, the Franks). Marc, who along with Knute organized and led the games, later broke
his hip and had to be taken to the hospital. His health was toasted many times in the days that followed and we are sending healing folk-love to him still.

Lauren’s wedding to Jonas deserves mention all by itself. It was a storybook scenario – the bride was stunning, the groom handsome, the wedding party delightful. Their oaths were sworn on the ring, and sealed with a horn of mead. Afterwards, we shared a little more mead and champagne and, after lots of good conversation, headed over to the hall for dinner. It was very elevating for all of us.

The marriage of Lauren and Jonas capped a day of drama. Earlier, Bryan Wilton’s youngest son had managed to get trapped on a cliff, unable to move up or down. Bryan tied a rope to a tree, made a bowline in the other end, and went down to rescue his son. The young Ashmore boys, sons of Bobby and Roxie, pulled them up. That’s the kind of folks we have in the AFA.

Music tied it all together and fed our souls. Robert Taylor and Nicholas Tesluk of Changes regaled us with song and story as they described “A Fifty Year Odyssey.” The next evening – just prior to the late-night Odin-blot – they joined our friends with Lasher Keen for the musical peak of Midsummer. Mystical Dylan, vivacious BlueBird, and wise Sage led us in a journey into ecstatic spaces in an experience none will forget.

The days have passed since I stepped so deliberately outside the circle after that last ritual, of the last day, of AFA Midsummer in the Sierras, 2012. Already the sun rises a little later and sets a little sooner, and life goes on. Has anything changed? Speaking for myself, yes. Speaking for the AFA as a whole, I must also answer in the affirmative. The light of the fire and smell of the smoke, the folk feasting in the hall, the (surprisingly) chill nights, the laughter and friends and all the rest remain … waiting to be renewed when, again, the sun approaches her highest point next year.

It is good. 

Categories: News

New Apprentice Folkbuilder

We are very excited to announce Etienne Louw as our newest Folkbuilder covering South Africa. We have seen a lot of growth and interest from our Folk in South Africa over the past few years and we are excited to start this new phase with Etienne leading the effort. We greatly appreciate Etienne stepping up and leading.

Hail Etienne!
Hail AFA South Africa!
Hail the Aesir!

Categories: News